Yes/No Flow Chart to help you scale & Grow your Online business

Ready to scale past those 3K-5K months but not sure how?!

In this yes/no flow chart, I will walk you from beginning to end on how to scale your online business. This chart will help you determine what step in the process you are at and what steps you need to take in order to break past those 3k-5K months.

This flow chart will walk you through your prices to ensure you're charging enough. There is an income, expenses, and tax spreadsheet to ensure you're tracking your numbers correctly.

You will be able to identify the exact steps you need to take in order to breakthrough those 3k-5k months.

“Megan’s checklist really helped me nail down my packages and pricing. I was completely lost on how to price my packages and what a fair hourly rate would be. She broke it down in a simple and easy to understand formula that FINALLY allowed me to launch my services.”
“YOU NEED THIS! If you’re an entrepreneur who is trying to figure out if you’re pricing your services appropriately and wanting to scale, just grab this now. Megan takes all the complexity out of it and gets straight to the point! Thank you Megan!”

Get the Flow Chart here

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